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CTB Locker removal: how to decrypt files encrypted by CTB Locker virus

CTB Locker removal: how to decrypt files encrypted by CTB Locker virus

The objective of this article is to clarify the anatomy of the CTB Locker ransomware virus. In particular, you will learn the entire set of symptoms accompanying this infection, the technical ins and outs of its activity, victims’ options for recovering the illicitly encrypted files, and the method applicable for removing the virus proper. CTB […]

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Remove Wajam virus. Ads by Wajam removal in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Remove Wajam virus. Ads by Wajam removal in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Full legitimacy of a computer application is a compound entity measured by certain parameters, some which are user involvement in decision making, installation transparency and the scope of intrusiveness accompanying the program’s activity. With lots of borderline cases out there, the Wajam app is considered by security professionals to be adware. To find out why […]

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Remove Vosteran Search. WSE_Vosteran virus removal for Firefox, Explorer, Chrome

Remove Vosteran Search. WSE_Vosteran virus removal for Firefox, Explorer, Chrome

It’s very arguable whether a computer user who is constantly encountering browser redirects to is doing okay cybersecurity-wise. Grounds for such an assumption are strong, considering the fact that this activity is powered by malicious software called WSE_Vosteran. What this article encompasses is a description of this adware and do-it-yourself removal how-tos. Vosteran Search […]

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Remove BrowserSafeguard with RocketTab virus in Firefox, Chrome and IE

Remove BrowserSafeguard with RocketTab virus in Firefox, Chrome and IE

The infection known as BrowserSafeguard with RocketTab currently being amongst the prevalent adware threats at large which is trending on IT discussion boards, this article offers one of the most complete overviews of this bug available. The details that can be learnt from the present entry include the nontrivial proliferation tactics applied by the virus […]

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ParetoLogic Data Recovery Pro review

ParetoLogic Data Recovery Pro review

Data Recovery Pro is an easy-to-use tool restoring erased files and emails that would otherwise be lost. Data Recovery Pro by ParetoLogic Inc. is one of the world’s most popular utilities tailored for restoring deleted files and emails. This tool has gained an undoubtedly deserved recognition primarily due to the ease of use, low system […]

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Remove ‘Ads by GoSave’ virus extension in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove ‘Ads by GoSave’ virus extension in Chrome, Firefox and IE

The ad-triggering software called GoSave is being reported to cause user experience issues because of its intrusive characteristics. Starting with installation where the victim is not appropriately informed, all the way to the absence of clear authorization for inserting ads into visited pages on the Internet – this piece of potentially unwanted code should certainly […]

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Remove MyStart Search ( engine in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Remove MyStart Search ( engine in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Sad to admit, but adware apps keep on assaulting Internet users at an increasing rate. While some of these hijacker programs are fairly short-lived and small-scale in terms of proliferation, others such as MyStartSearch get a distribution boost and stay around for months. This article will shed light on how this adware spreads, what consequences […]

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CryptoWall virus removal: how to decrypt Cryptowall 2.0 encrypted files

CryptoWall virus removal: how to decrypt Cryptowall 2.0 encrypted files

In this tutorial you will be advised on the methods to treat the CryptoWall ransomware which encrypts personal user files on the compromised computer. Since this isn’t a run-of-the-mill infection, a complex procedure and caution are required for exterminating it and trying to not lose the data that it takes hostage. A full technical profile […]

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