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Remove search homepage in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove search homepage in Chrome, Firefox and IE

The ostensibly innocuous site parked at domain happens to denote a rather massive issue pertaining to web browser functioning on multiple infected PCs. The malicious artifact spreading through drive-by techniques injects a truculent plugin into web navigation software’s preset so that the imposed web page is hit instead of the ones assigned by the […]

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Remove virus in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Remove virus in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Anyone using popular social networks like Facebook or Twitter have encountered as a transitional server name when viewing or uploading data. In fact, this URL denotes a powerful cloud network hosting content for a variety of services. Meanwhile, a lot of users are having browser problems symptomized by the above domain being visited at […]

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Remove eDellRoot certificate vulnerability on a Dell computer

Remove eDellRoot certificate vulnerability on a Dell computer

Months after the scandalous exposure of the Superfish adware app being pre-installed on Lenovo laptops, Dell machines sold since July 2015 were found to be shipped with a digital certificate that might get the customers’ sensitive data compromised. Called eDellRoot, this entity is originally intended to facilitate automated support and maintenance of laptops and desktop […]

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Remove Flirchi virus ads in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Remove Flirchi virus ads in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Characterizing Flirchi as “the fastest-growing online discovery network”, its creators might have a point, but projects like that should ideally bring an exciting experience and pleasant emotions rather than frustration. In this case, however, users are often times complaining of ads and browser redirects that accompany the use of the service. Flirchi advertisements are reportedly […]

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Remove Piesearch homepage virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove Piesearch homepage virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE

With the commonplace Internet search services usually exhibiting a moderate amount of sponsored promotions in order not to scare customers off, in the case of an emphasis on intensive advertising becomes clear as early as on the start page. The keyword entry box proper is complemented with several logos linking to popular sites, and […]

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Ads by Middle Rush removal in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Ads by Middle Rush removal in Chrome, Firefox and IE

The Middle Rush app by SuperWeb LLC was designed to provide features that considerably differ from the ones its users expect. The various declared improvements of the customer’s web browsing routine fade when the side effects start manifesting themselves. Unwelcome comparison shopping information boxes, coupons and deals are the types of content this program serves […]

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Remove Ads by GetPrivate (Powered by GetPrivate) from Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove Ads by GetPrivate (Powered by GetPrivate) from Chrome, Firefox and IE

Undesired effects accompanying potentially useful features of a computer application is not an uncommon occurrence. This sure is better than outright harm, but the pro side of such software is cold comfort to anyone affected. GetPrivate solution delivers free virtual private network functionality, which isn’t bad, but the concomitant influence on PCs, namely the superfluous […]

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Remove Ads by Capricornus virus from Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove Ads by Capricornus virus from Chrome, Firefox and IE

Light-fingered online entrepreneurs’ hunt for easy profit has led them to the realm of ecommerce, where goods and services are advertised on web pages based on the visitor’s interests and biases. This sort of activity is absolutely legal as long as the promotional content is generated on the server end. Apps like the Capricornus, as […]

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Sonic Train ads removal in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Sonic Train ads removal in Chrome, Firefox and IE

PUP, which stands for ‘potentially unwanted program’, is a somewhat blurred concept that denotes different types of code tasked with implementing computer disruption activity. According to the analysis of Sonic Train add-on, the categorization can be narrowed down to interference with browser functioning and unsanctioned collection of a user’s private data. This guide clarifies the […]

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How to remove Shortcut virus from USB PenDrive on PC

How to remove Shortcut virus from USB PenDrive on PC

A somewhat hackneyed discourse about the polymorphism of malware may seem like a grade school level of perceiving the state of cybersecurity, but this doesn’t contradict its truthfulness in any way. The so-called Shortcut virus, also referred to as the USB flash drive virus, fully demonstrates that PC infections are all adware, banking trojans or […]

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