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Remove Cyber Police virus from Android phone or tablet

Remove Cyber Police virus from Android phone or tablet

Ransom infections locking mobile gadgets aren’t a new encounter, but with the recent emergence of the Cyber Police virus things have gotten worse. The distribution range of this Android ransomware covers multiple countries, where the malicious code determines one’s geolocation and presents lock screens in the respective language. To unlock the device, obviously, victims are […]

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WhatsApp update message virus in Android phones

WhatsApp update message virus in Android phones

Mobile content providers stick with a business model where people sign up for their services and get subsequently charged for this on a weekly or monthly basis. Such a modus operandi is legal, moreover, lots of subscribers are satisfied because they thus get access to various entertainment platforms, news feeds, weather forecasts and the like. […]

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Ads by Provider removal in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

Ads by Provider removal in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

To procure assistance in the domain of online advertising, the easiest path merchants can go is sign up with a platform that links their sites with the potential end users. Ideally, this scheme works flawlessly for everyone involved, but with the digital facility that powers ‘Ads by Provider’, the outcome is a complete bummer for […]

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Internet_ExplorerPatch.hta popup warnings removal

Internet_ExplorerPatch.hta popup warnings removal

A new browser hijacking infection has been attempting to promote malicious software under the pretext of rolling out an Internet Explorer patch. The attacked users repeatedly get phony popups that recommend them run a file named Internet_ExplorerPatch.hta, which turns out to host a harmful routine instead of enhancing the browser’s security. This issue is backed […]

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Remove malware in Chrome, Firefox, IE

Remove malware in Chrome, Firefox, IE

Malicious software proved to be really good at masquerading itself, making computer users take the outer manifestation of its wrongdoings for granted. Peddling harmful code through infections like is easy and highly efficient for cybercriminals, because the generated popup prompts look like they come from legit services so that people often fail to discern […]

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Remove Techsnab (chromelauncher.exe) adware

Remove Techsnab (chromelauncher.exe) adware

SoftwareBundler:Win32/Techsnab, also known as Adware/Techsnab, is a malicious program tasked with a number of disruptive functions. It promotes other threats onto a computer by leveraging a surreptitious drive-by technique and installs unwanted components in web browsers, mostly ones built with the Chromium open-source project, thus enabling ad injection as well as the changes of default […]

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Remove Yoursite123 search virus in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and IE

Remove Yoursite123 search virus in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and IE

The two major areas that the global cybercrime has been busy covering over the last several years are browser disruption and the abuse of cryptography for ransom-related purposes. Yoursite123 is an example of the former trend, being designed as a search provider of a kind but actually accommodating no genuine search capacity. All it does […]

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TeslaCrypt 2.0 removal: Howto_RESTORE_FILES.txt (.html/.bmp) and .vvv extensions

TeslaCrypt 2.0 removal: Howto_RESTORE_FILES.txt (.html/.bmp) and .vvv extensions

Viruses that take their victims’ files hostage are categorized as “ransomware” and are at the very forefront of cybercrime for the time being. Rather than dupe users into purchasing something they don’t need, these infections feature a viable model where one’s data actually gets encrypted and the payment is essentially the sole prerequisite for reobtaining […]

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.VVV file extension ransomware virus removal

.VVV file extension ransomware virus removal

It takes a few swift, imperceptible steps for the TeslaCrypt ransom infection to intrude on a computer system, but it’s an extremely nontrivial task to make the encrypted data accessible again afterwards. This ransomware, which can as well be manifested under the name of CryptoLocker or CryptoWall, appends the captured files with .vvv extension, drops […]

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