
Archive for 2017

Remove “Search My Window” ads virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove “Search My Window” ads virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE

The controversy about online ads is that they can either enhance one’s browsing experience or diminish it considerably. The latter effect is typically associated with PUPs, or potentially unwanted programs, like Search My Window. These types of applications literally flood search results and regular web pages with redundant advertising, thus preventing victims from seeing what’s […]

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My Best Store Inc. fake emails: scam details

My Best Store Inc. fake emails: scam details

Malspam is, by far, the main vector of malware distribution nowadays. It has become cybercrooks’ favorite due to its universality – it allows them to spread virtually any malicious program by simply attaching booby-trapped files to such emails. Sometimes these campaigns harness well-known brand names or services to appear more persuasive, as is the case […]

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Gryphon Decrypter: ransomware removal and .gryphon files recovery

Gryphon Decrypter: ransomware removal and .gryphon files recovery

Cybercriminals are well motivated as long as their misdemeanor brings them a pretty penny. This seems to be the case with the new Gryphon ransomware. Having landed on a targeted host, it denies accessibility of the victim’s important files, appends them with the .gryphon extension and holds them for ransom. Learn what lineage this sample […]

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Cry36 decryptor: how to remove Nemezis ransomware

Cry36 decryptor: how to remove Nemezis ransomware

When a ransom Trojan gains a foothold on one’s computer, things get out of hand as the infection intelligently spots the most valuable files and scrambles them using cryptography. This classic assault workflow fully applies to the Cry36 virus representing one of the most widespread ransomware lineages circulating in 2017. Peruse this article to get […]

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How to remove Trojan.Pidief.X malware

How to remove Trojan.Pidief.X malware

There are perpetrating programs that impair computers directly in various ways. The infection called Trojan.Pidief.X, though, happens to be different. Its objective is to promote other malicious code. Furthermore, its activity involves a great deal of manipulation reminiscent of classic social engineering techniques. The harmful component is camouflaged as a benign PDF file, so users […]

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Remove Reyptson ransomware and decrypt .reyptson virus files

Remove Reyptson ransomware and decrypt .reyptson virus files

Ransom Trojan rarely deviate from the well-trodden extortion route. The new sample called Reyptson is one of the very few that leverage offbeat tactics when deploying its infection chain. It performs some extra reconnaissance on a contaminated computer, harvesting the victim’s email credentials in order to self-spread via spam automatically generated from the host. What […]

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Remove CopyCat malware from Android device

Remove CopyCat malware from Android device

The word “copycat” has assumed a brand-new conceptual hue with the emergence of the apropos Android malware. This polysemy is all about malicious code dubbed CopyCat. It is distributed via phishing and trojanized applications, and the subsequent impact is harsh. The malware engages in stealth malvertising, pilfers credits for installed programs, and gets high-level privileges […]

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Decrypt CRBR Encryptor ransomware and remove virus

Decrypt CRBR Encryptor ransomware and remove virus

According to recent reports on computer threat landscape, the Cerber ransomware family is the dominating one in its niche of cybercrime. It holds the top position owing to a number of characteristics. First off, the distribution channels have been consistently well-thought-out. Secondly, its code boasts anti-virtualization features to prevent analysis, and the crypto is uncrackable. […]

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Aleta ransomware removal: how to decrypt .aleta virus files

Aleta ransomware removal: how to decrypt .aleta virus files

The ubiquitous ransomware epidemic continues to dodge conventional defenses when plaguing users around the globe. The theme of code inheritance is in vogue with cyber extortionists for a reason. This way, they fine-tune their malicious programs to make them increasingly elusive and more difficult to crack. That’s what happened in early July 2017 with the […]

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