
Archive for KnowledgeBase

What is a proxy server?

What is a proxy server?

People who use the services of Internet providers for more than a year already probably know what a proxy server is. This article is recommended, most likely, for beginners, although it is possible that some experienced web users will find interesting information here too. So, what is a proxy server and why we need them? […]

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Remove Robot Captcha ( virus from Android, Chrome, Firefox, IE

Remove Robot Captcha ( virus from Android, Chrome, Firefox, IE

Cybercrime isn’t necessarily about predatory software that wreaks havoc with the infected computers and other devices. Its manifestations can be subtle at times, as is the case with adware that injects ads here and there, displays popups or redirects one’s browser, thereby causing some irritation but never crossing the line. Activity of that sort is […]

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Remove Win Tonic virus from Windows

Remove Win Tonic virus from Windows

Win Tonic poses itself as a comprehensive solution for security, privacy, and performance of your device. It has a nice-looking GUI. The software has a main page featuring scan for malware, privacy issues, junk files, and registry issues. It also pretends to provide web protection, startup manager, and even such advanced and novel opportunity as […]

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Promorad2 (promok/promorad) virus file extensions decryptor and removal

Promorad2 (promok/promorad) virus file extensions decryptor and removal

What is the Promorad2 (Promok, Promorad) ransomware? Promorad2 (promok) is a hallmark noted by the users who have their computer data scrambled. The encryption is to be blamed on the ransomware. According to the classification attempts available from the websites reviewing ransomware on a regular basis, this is a version of STOP ransom trojan. Nearly […]

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Clop ransomware virus removal and .clop files decryptor

Clop ransomware virus removal and .clop files decryptor

Old strains of ransomware, which nearly disappeared from security analysts’ radar, are reviving. The .Clop file extension specimen is like an echo from the not-so-distant past as it represents the CryptoMix family that hasn’t been updated for months. With this new iteration, the tactic of the malefactors appears to have had an overhaul. Read more […]

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“Encrypted by GandCrab 5.2” – remove and decrypt ransomware virus

“Encrypted by GandCrab 5.2” – remove and decrypt ransomware virus

Here we go again, today’s most sophisticated and prolific ransomware called GandCrab has been updated and the new variant is already in the wild. GandCrab 5.2 is the version name, and it’s more competently designed than the predecessor in several ways. The fact that this build is not decryptable, unlike the forerunners, is perhaps the […]

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Remove virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE [upd. Feb 2019]

Remove virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE [upd. Feb 2019]

A hijacked web browser is a calamity to the user because a great deal of control over online surfing vectors is no longer at their discretion. This problem originates on the software level, where a mischievous program generically categorized as ‘adware’ gets aboard the computer in a sneaky way. The bad code changes a number […]

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