
Target Attacks on Warranties for Fun and Profit

Target Attacks on Warranties for Fun and Profit

This talk is “Not-So-Limited Warranty: Target Attacks on Warranties for Fun and Profit.” This talk is for people who like unconventional forms of social engineering, who want to learn more about serial numbers and how they’re used to protect products, and people who enjoy finding holes, of course. This isn’t for anyone who works for/with […]

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Encryption for Everyone. Part 2

Encryption for Everyone. Part 2

Now we are going to talk about asymmetrical encryption. We were talking about symmetrical encryption, where we’re basically just using a password to protect a file. And that’s really great if Alice and Bob know the password and if they can share it. What if Alice and Bob have never met? They’ve never met, somehow […]

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Encryption for Everyone. Part 1

Encryption for Everyone. Part 1

Hi, my name is Dru Streicher, and I am going to talk about encryption today. A little bit about me, I am a Systems Administrator for Hurricane Labs, we’re Cleveland based network security company. I am a hardware hacker and a chip musician, and I also collect arcane technology. And I also collect vinyl records. […]

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Security Metrics: A Beginner’s Guide. Part 3

Security Metrics: A Beginner’s Guide. Part 3

Implementing process improvements Another area to focus on for security metrics would be to sort of look around and figure out what’s broken and what needs fixing. A few areas that I’ve broken this down into are the process area and the technology area. And I actually think that in some cases process improvements are […]

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