
Archive for August, 2017

Remove Lukitus ransomware and decrypt .lukitus extension files

Remove Lukitus ransomware and decrypt .lukitus extension files

Although the Locky ransomware family is no longer dominating the online extortion business, it is still in game. A recent proof of its longevity is the emergence of a new variant that adds the .lukitus extension to encrypted files and drops rescue notes named lukitus-[random].htm and lukitus-[random].bmp. This article sheds light on all hallmark signs […]

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.CESAR ransomware: virus removal and files decryption

.CESAR ransomware: virus removal and files decryption

The word ‘CrySiS’ may seem like an awful misspelling, but it makes perfect sense in the context of cybersecurity. Said term designates one of the oldest and largest known families of file-encrypting malware. Also known as Dharma, this underground workshop of digital pests has given rise to dozens of variants during its existence. The newest […]

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Remove “Search My Window” ads virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE

Remove “Search My Window” ads virus in Chrome, Firefox and IE

The controversy about online ads is that they can either enhance one’s browsing experience or diminish it considerably. The latter effect is typically associated with PUPs, or potentially unwanted programs, like Search My Window. These types of applications literally flood search results and regular web pages with redundant advertising, thus preventing victims from seeing what’s […]

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My Best Store Inc. fake emails: scam details

My Best Store Inc. fake emails: scam details

Malspam is, by far, the main vector of malware distribution nowadays. It has become cybercrooks’ favorite due to its universality – it allows them to spread virtually any malicious program by simply attaching booby-trapped files to such emails. Sometimes these campaigns harness well-known brand names or services to appear more persuasive, as is the case […]

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Gryphon Decrypter: ransomware removal and .gryphon files recovery

Gryphon Decrypter: ransomware removal and .gryphon files recovery

Cybercriminals are well motivated as long as their misdemeanor brings them a pretty penny. This seems to be the case with the new Gryphon ransomware. Having landed on a targeted host, it denies accessibility of the victim’s important files, appends them with the .gryphon extension and holds them for ransom. Learn what lineage this sample […]

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Cry36 decryptor: how to remove Nemezis ransomware

Cry36 decryptor: how to remove Nemezis ransomware

When a ransom Trojan gains a foothold on one’s computer, things get out of hand as the infection intelligently spots the most valuable files and scrambles them using cryptography. This classic assault workflow fully applies to the Cry36 virus representing one of the most widespread ransomware lineages circulating in 2017. Peruse this article to get […]

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