
Archive for February, 2017

Decrypt and remove TrumpLocker ransomware

Decrypt and remove TrumpLocker ransomware

In a way, the ransom Trojan called TrumpLocker is off the beaten track. Also referred to as The Trump Locker, this strain has a bit of ridicule in it, mixed up with politics and some best-practice data encryption techniques. Expert believe it is a derivative of VenusLocker, an older online extortion family that’s been active […]

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Crypt0L0cker 2017 decryption tool and virus removal

Crypt0L0cker 2017 decryption tool and virus removal

This article is about one of the longest-lasting online extortion campaigns to date. Originally known as TorrentLocker, the currently active ransomware called Crypt0L0cker has been around since late April 2015. Its authors have been able to get away with their filthy business because they craftily conceal their trail through the use of hard-to-track Bitcoin cryptocurrency […]

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Spora ransomware decryption and removal techniques

Spora ransomware decryption and removal techniques

Whereas the indicators of compromise in the average ransomware attack predicament are usually uniform, different file-encrypting strains still have their unique properties. In the case of the relatively new Spora ransomware, offbeat characteristics are to the fore. It uses a nontrivial cryptographic technique to deny access to one’s data, implements a smart victim gradation tactic, […]

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Remove Query Router virus ( search) from Chrome, Firefox, IE

Remove Query Router virus ( search) from Chrome, Firefox, IE

The fact that adware and browser hijackers are not considered to be severe infections doesn’t mean that they are safe to keep on a computer. Moreover, the impact may get serious as far as one’s privacy is concerned. The potentially unwanted program called Query Router (QueryRouter), for instance, collects personally identifiable data of users aside […]

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Virus HELP_HELP_HELP: Cerber Ransomware 2017 edition decryptor

Virus HELP_HELP_HELP: Cerber Ransomware 2017 edition decryptor

As the Cerber ransomware is approaching a one-year milestone of its abominable extortion crusade, its authors have rolled out another update to give their brainchild a slightly different look and feel. The fresh 2017 iteration currently on the loose sticks with a red color scheme for highlighting the text of the desktop warning. The most […]

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