
Archive for 2020

ColdLock ransomware: ransom.msil.coldlock.ypae-a virus decryptor and removal

ColdLock ransomware: ransom.msil.coldlock.ypae-a virus decryptor and removal

Breaking cybersecurity news is the release of a new ransomware species used in targeted attacks against organizations. It’s called ColdLock, which is a term coined by researchers who unearthed this strain and inspected its modus operandi. The infection has hit a number of networks in the East Asia region so far. Keep reading to find […]

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Remove Carlbendergogo virus from Chrome, Firefox, Edge [Jan 2020 upd]

Remove Carlbendergogo virus from Chrome, Firefox, Edge [Jan 2020 upd]

Fraudulent online activities and browser hijacking go hand in hand. Scammers are heavily cashing in on this combo of social engineering and malware because it gets users on the hook regardless of their custom Internet settings, web surfing habits, and the web browser they prefer. is a landing page in one of such hoaxes […]

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