
Archive for November, 2018

Remove Bing redirect virus from Chrome, Firefox, IE

Remove Bing redirect virus from Chrome, Firefox, IE

The present-day cybercriminals might mix up the malicious with the legitimate to achieve their goals. Browser hijacking, for instance, often involves unauthorized activity that makes victims recurrently visit one of the major search engines. This is the case with the Bing redirect virus, a strain that drives traffic to Read this tutorial to learn […]

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GandCrab 5.0.4 ransomware: decrypt and remove

GandCrab 5.0.4 ransomware: decrypt and remove

The darkest side of the cryptographic science is all about ransomware. This is a category of aggressive computer code that makes users’ data inaccessible by encrypting it, and then demands money for recovery. By the way, these ransoms are typically payable in cryptocurrencies only, which is another abuse case somewhat related to cryptography. GandCrab 5.0.4, […]

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The ransomware phenomenon still instills fear like it used to. Falling victim to one of these nasty programs is the worst-case scenario imaginable for the average computer user, because they run the risk of losing the critical attributes of their digital life, that is, personal data. The lineage of blackmail viruses called Rapid ransomware is […]

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