
Archive for December, 2018

Google Chrome 1111 error virus removal

Google Chrome 1111 error virus removal

Surreptitious activity tends to be inherent to the majority of the present-day malware. This hallmark allows the bad code to run undetected for a long time without any red flags being raised. However, the so-called Chrome 1111 virus falls out of this paradigm completely. It floods Google Chrome browser with error popups titled “111”, and […]

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Remove OMG Facebook game virus

Remove OMG Facebook game virus

Popular social networks are an extremely lucrative environment for scams and malware distribution. The reason is prosaic – these services are used by millions, which automatically increases the odds of cybercriminals achieving their nasty goals even if the infection success rate is generally low. The OMG Facebook virus, for example, attempts to retrieve confidential information […]

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